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Imunify Email compatibility

Imunify Email has been checked for compatibility with following tools and mail gateways:



Hosting administrator only.

Imunify Email requires Imunify360 to be installed on the server.

Imunify Email is simple to install.

At the moment, it runs on the following distributions:

  • CentOS 7, 8 with support of cPanel/WHM control panel.
  • CloudLinux OS 7, 8, 9 with support of cPanel/WHM control panel.
  • AlmaLinux 8, 9 with support of cPanel/WHM control panel.

Minimum system requirements for installation:

x64 | 512 Mb | 20 Gb disk space


  • Imunify Email RAM consumption depends on the mail traffic. In a waiting state it consumes little RAM, however for scanning large mails temporary increase of RAM consumption can be observed.

  • Used disk space depends on the number of accounts on a server. By default, each account will have 100 MB limitation for quarantine space. This limit can be adjusted using UI later.

To install ImunifyEmail, you need to enable the corresponding option in your CLN account. After that the product will be installed automatically within 24 hours. To install it immediately you can use on of the following command as root user:

/usr/bin/imunify360-agent update-license




Users created

During installation, the following users will be created:

  • _rspamd
  • _imunifyemail

The _imunifyemail user will also be added to the _imunify group.

Components and resources

Imunify Email has the following components:

  • Imunify RSpamd
    • acts as an email filter
    • it is installed in system directories such as /etc/rspamd, /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/share/rspamd, as a part of imunify-email-rspamd RPM package and brings rspamd service
  • Quarantine (ie-quarantine)
    • acts as a storage for quarantined emails and as a back-end for the user interface (UI) and CLI
    • it is installed in the /var/imunifyemail/quarantine directory, as a part of imunify-email-quarantine RPM package and brings ie-quarantine and ie-notification service.
  • CLI (ie-cli)
    • it is a command line interface for managing Quarantine and Activity Monitor that is installed as a part of imunify-email-cli RPM package
  • Dec Node (ie-dec-node)
    • it is a statistical component that helps to improve the filtering quality
    • it is installed in the /var/imunifyemail/dec-node directory, as a part of imunify-email-dec-node RPM package and brings ie-dec-node service

All these packages are installed as part of imunify-email RPM package.

Exim configuration modifications

Imunify Email modifies Exim MTA configuration, adding RSpamd as a filter for email. It is done automatically during installation. In case if filtering needs to be disabled, see Disable Imunify Email. When disabled, Exim configuration will not contain an RSpamd filter. To re-able Imunify Email, see Enable Imunify Email.

The configuration change is compatible with WHM Advanced Editor, you can continue using it for other modifications.

CLN: Managing Imunify Email

How to Enable Imunify Email


In order to use ImunifyEmail you have to enable it in CLN. You can achieve it in two ways:

  1. via UI
  2. via CLN API

When you enable/disable Imunify Email, the script will automatically run the corresponding action within 24 hours. In order to apply changes on the particular server immediately, please run the following command on behalf of the root user:

imunify360-agent update-license

CLN UI: enable/disable Imunify Email

You can manage Imunify Email state on 3 levels: Account, Key, Server.

1. Account

To manage permission on an account level choose the “Enable for all servers” option.

When you enable the feature on an account level, the script will install Imunify Email on all Imunify360 servers in your account in 24 hours.

When disabling the feature on an account level, the script will deactivate the Imunify Email on all Imunify360 servers in your account in 24 hours.

There's also a default option called “depends on lower level”. This allows you to control permissions based on each key or license, rather than for the whole account.

2. Key

To manage permission on a key level go to the “Activation keys” tab and select “add-ons”.

You will see this screen:

When you enable the feature on all servers in the key, the script will install Imunify Email on all Imunify360 servers under this key in 24 hours.

When disabling the feature on a key level, the script will deactivate the Imunify Email on all Imunify360 servers under this key in your account in 24 hours.

There's also a default option called “depends on lower level”. This allows you to control permissions based on each server.

3. Server

To manage permission on a server level. Go to the “Servers” tab and select “add-ons”.

You will see this pop up:

When you enable the feature, the script will install Imunify Email on a server in 24 hours.

When disabling the feature, the script will deactivate the Imunify Email on a server in 24 hours.

CLN API: enable/disable Imunify Email

Useful links:

  1. CLN API documentation (page 30 is about Imunify Email)
  2. CLN API swagger file

Imunify Email state is managed by the next requests:

  1. PATCH /api/v2/features/account: to enable/disable Imunify Email for account.
  2. PATCH /api/v2/imunify/keys: to enable/disable Imunify Email for Imunify360 key.
  3. PATCH /api/v2/imunify/server: to enable/disable Imunify Email for server with Imunify360.

In CLN terms Imunify Email is a "feature" and it has id=4600.

Below is a example of how to enable Imunify Email for particular server:

  1. Generate API token:
$> token=$(login=YOUR_CLN_LOGIN; ts=$(date +"%s"); secret=YOUR_CLN_SECRET; echo -n $login\|$ts\|$(echo -n $secret$ts| sha1sum) | cut -d " " -f1)
  1. Get product names to product type id mapping:
$> curl -X 'GET' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  1. Enable Imunify Email using its product type id (from the previous request) on a server using IP license:
$> curl -X 'PATCH' -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
'' \
--data '{"id": "SERVER_ID_HERE", "permissions": {"4600": "ENABLED"}}' 

Where "4600" the Imunify Email's feature id.

To enable Imunify Email on account/key level you have to follow almost the same algorithm but use endpoints (1)/(2) (refer to documentation above to get more details).

User interface access

In order to access the UI as a hosting administrator, navigate to WHM -> Plugins -> Imunify360 -> Email tab.

Your clients will be able to access the Imunify Email Quarantine under: cPanel -> Security -> Imunify360 -> Email.

Version and Status

Check Imunify Email version

To find out which version of Imunify Email is installed, run the following command as root:

ie-config version

Check status

In order to check status of Imunify Email, run the following command as root:

ie-config status

Disable Imunify Email

In order to disable Imunify Email, you need to disable the corresponding option in your CLN account. Imunify Email will be disabled automatically within 24 hours. To disable it immediately, run following command as root:

/usr/bin/imunify360-agent update-license

It will remove filter configuration and stop Imunify Email services.

Enable Imunify Email

If Imunify Email was installed, but then disabled it can be re-enabled in CLN.

WHM user interface


Hosting administrator only.

Imunify Email scans the outbound emails on the server and allows to identify viral mailings and other viral outbound mail content for all accounts on the server.

Click Email in the main menu of the Imunify360 admin interface.

The following tabs are available:


Go to Imunify360 → Email → Quarantine tab. Here, there are emails that are considered viral or malicious for all accounts on the server. You can decline or confirm the Imunify Email decision and either release and send emails or remove them completely.

The table has the following columns:

  • Account — account name

  • Received Date — when an email was received by the server for sending

  • Reasons — the reason why message has been quarantined

    • spam — means that a message has been classified as a spam
    • winexec — means that a message contains windows executable attachments (you can allow that using ie-cli)
    • ratelimit — means that a message exceeded a limit per hour for one of the Account/Domain/Sender email/Script. You might adjust the limit using the "Activity Monitor" tab.
  • Sender (From) — the user who sent the email

  • Recipients — recipients (including CC and BCC)

  • Subject — a subject from an email

  • Actions

    • Release & Send — hosting admin can use multi-select and release & send several emails at once

    • Delete — delete email permanently

    • View Email — view email content

      • Body - decoded email content with tags removed
      • Header - email Headers section
      • Plain text - headers plus original email body


In this release, the notifications are not sent both when deleting or releasing an email. Will be added in the next release.

Activity Monitor and Sender limits

Go to Imunify360 → Email → Activity Monitor. Activity Monitor provides a way to observe, control and regulate the flow of mail. From this tab the messages can be whitelisted or chosen to be explored in the Quarantine tab.

The table lists the following columns:

  • Sender Object - a set of origination information that can be identified about an email is shown here. The four possible categories are:
    • WHM account
    • Domain
    • PHP Script (able to send an email)
    • Email address of a user
  • Ham/Sent out - quantity of a non-spam emails that were sent out is shown corresponding to a Sender Object in a first column.
  • Limit - the number of emails that corresponding Sender Object will be allowed to send out in a space of one hour. This number turns red and a warning sign is displayed as soon as the limit is exceeded.
  • Whitelisted - the records in this column only have two states "true" and "false" and show if the whitelisting is on or off for a particular Sender Object.
  • Quarantined - reflects emails from a particular Sender Object and their quantity.
  • Actions - several actions to perform on a particular Sender Object are available:
    • Go to quarantine allows to explore a particular Sender Object in a Quarantine tab.
    • Update sender limit allows to enable/disable granular limits for a particular Sender Object that override limits set in the Settings tab.
    • Whitelist sender allows to remove any limit on sending out emails for a particular Sender Object.

The Timeframe setting for the records visible in the table can be chosen from the following options under the Timeframe button.

Records in the table are searchable and the parameters of the search can be narrowed down by using the Account name, Sender address, Domain, and Script filters.

Sender limits

This is the second level of control for sender limits. Limits set for a particular Sender Object here override the limits set on the previous stage.

Go to Imunify360 → Email → Activity Monitor → Actions → Update sender limit. For a particular Sender Object the limit can be switched on and off. The limit value can be set higher or lower than the value in the Setting tab. This setting is aimed at providing a way to set needed exceptions from the general rules.


This is the third level of control for sender limits. Limits set via this control override the limits set at the two the previous stages. Go to Imunify360 → Email → Activity Monitor → Actions → Whitelist sender. A particular Sender Object can be whitelisted, which means that the Sender limits will no longer be applied to this Sender Object - so it will be able to send out an unlimited number of messages. Only the domain and email of the user Sender Objects can be whitelisted, WHM account and PHP script cannot be whitelisted.

To confirm whitelisting for a particular Sender Object click Yes, add to whitelist.



Hosting administrator only.

Go to Imunify360 → Email → Settings tab. The settings allow managing the space for quarantine and setting up limits for sending out the messages(set up a rate-limit) for all the Sender Objects adopts a 3-tier approach that is aimed to provide granular control over the outgoing messages to the administrator. An administrator can increase or decrease the space for the user's quarantine. If all space is consumed, the oldest emails in quarantine will be permanently deleted.

Activity Monitor Settings

This is the first level of control for sender limits. The values set at this level will be default for an entire server and will be applied by default to all Sender Objects. Go to Imunify360 → Email →Settings tab. Here, set a limit on the number of emails that can be sent by a particular entity - WHM account, domain, PHP Script, or email address of a user.

  • The limit is set for the number of messages within the space of the last 60 minutes.
  • The limits can be applied either to a number of emails or a number of recipients.

Once the values are chosen, press Save Changes to apply them.

Quarantine Settings

You can modify the default settings for storage capacity and release limits for all accounts.

Note: If you change these settings in an individual account, the default settings will no longer apply to that account.

To revert to the default settings, refer to the CLI section.

The table has the following columns:

  • Account — user account name

  • Storage Capacity MB — the space for the user's quarantine limit (default is 100 MB)

  • Used Space MB — the space used by files in quarantine (slight excess of the limit is possible)

  • Releases limit — limit for releases per hour for non-root user

  • State — the state of the user's quarantine.

  • Details — emails deleted permanently for the last hour

  • Actions

    • Purge quarantine — purge all quarantine for an account

    • Add — change the limit of the space for the user's (account) quarantine

Imunify Email Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) is designed to simplify usage of Imunify Email and as an enabler for integration with other tools and platforms.

Main command for all operations with Imunify Email:


Basic usage

Imunify Email quarantine CLI application


ie-cli [command] [arguments]

Use --help key to get list of the available commands and to get help for the particular command, e.g. ie-cli whitelist sender --help .

Available Commands:

accountsinteraction with accounts in the quarantine
aminteraction with the Activity Monitor, same API as in ActivityMonitor UI
emailsinteraction with emails in the quarantine
filter-settingstoggle the filter settings, without any parameters - returns the current settings
quarantine-defaultsinteraction with default settings in the Quarantine
versionprint the ImunifyEmail CLI version
whitelistinteraction with the whitelist of authenticated users, senders and recipients


-h, --helpHelp for ie-cli

Operations with emails in the quarantine

Emails marked as spam by Imunify Email are stored in the quarantine. The following section describes CLI for operating with emails.


The quarantine is keeping email for various users separately, but root users can see all the emails and perform any operations on them.


Almost all CLI commands support output in plain text and JSON format. For switching output to JSON use --json

List emails in quarantine

In order to see all emails stored use the following command. By default 'root' account is used, so the command shows the whole content of the quarantine.


ie-cli emails list --help

list emails in the quarantine, order by quarantined date descending

  ie-cli emails list [flags]

  -a, --account string   an account name
  -h, --help             help for list
      --json             output in json format
  -l, --limit int        The maximum count of items to return (default 25)
  -s, --since string     show entries starting from [now - since] time
                         format: [DIGIT(s)][MODIFIER]
                         	supported modifiers 's' - seconds, 'm' - minutes, 'h' - hours, 'd' - days, e.g. 1h, 2d
                         	examples: 100s, 5m, 1h, 5d (default "30d")


ie-cli emails list -a root --since 24h

That command shows all the quarantined emails for all accounts that have been quarantined within last 24 hours.


Email_ID ef69f707-d547-4b29-b8f0-f5331821c930
Size_Bytes	      8190
Account_Name	  mws
Subject        	  Ge t G:eneric V1agra f:or as 1ow as $2.50 per 50 mg

Email_ID faf96a73-5be4-481a-9c6c-7ab8fb2e3cf0
Size_Bytes	      8534
Account_Name	  mws
Subject           FWD: Want Pills V|AgR@ % Xan_a_x ^ Valiu|m| # At|v@`n \ Pn+ermin ' So+m+a  lNmAL

Email_ID fbc2efd0-1808-4e54-99ce-3082708b28ee
Size_Bytes	      8971
Account_Name	  oregdent
Subject        	  FWD:Xanax.x Valium.m Xanax.x Vicodin.n h ogzmwggi

Max Count	     3

Example with JSON as output format

ie-cli emails list -a root –-json


  "items": [
      "email_id": "ef69f707-d547-4b29-b8f0-f5331821c930",
      "size_bytes": 8190,
      "account_name": "mws",
      "recipients": [
      "subject": "Ge t G:eneric V1agra f:or as 1ow as $2.50 per 50 mg",
      "script_header": {
        "raw": "",
        "domain": "",
        "path": ""
      "email_id": "faf96a73-5be4-481a-9c6c-7ab8fb2e3cf0",
      "size_bytes": 8534,
      "account_name": "mws",
      "recipients": [
      "subject": "FWD: Want Pills V|AgR@ % Xan_a_x ^ Valiu|m|  lNmAL",
      "script_header": {
        "raw": "",
        "domain": "",
        "path": ""
      "email_id": "fbc2efd0-1808-4e54-99ce-3082708b28ee",
      "size_bytes": 8971,
      "account_name": "oregdent",
      "recipients": [
      "subject": "FWD:Xanax.x Valium.m Xanax.x Vicodin.n h ogzmwggi",
      "script_header": {
        "raw": "",
        "domain": "",
        "path": ""
  "max_count": 3

Show Email message

Root user, if needed, can see any message held in a quarantine. In order to do this email ID is needed. It can be taken from the list command above.


Don’t forget to specify a user account. For root user use -a root.


ie-cli emails show --id <EMAIL_ID> [-a <ACCOUNT_NAME>] [--json]


ie-cli emails show --id f3367f1b-4216-4f4f-9617-f8be9f5a6e76 -a root


EmailID:                      f3367f1b-4216-4f4f-9617-f8be9f5a6e76
SizeBytes:                    8534
AccountName:                  mws
ReceivedDate:                 1643805800
Subject:                      FWD: Want Pills V|AgR@ % Xan_a_x ^ Valiu|m| # At|v@`n \ Pn+ermin ' So+m+a  lNmAL

Content-Transfer-Encoding:    quoted-printable
Content-Type:                 text/html; charset="iso-8859-7"
Date:                         Fri, 13 Feb 2019 04:48:28 +0300
From:                         "wilhelmina rivard" <>
MIME-Version:                 1.0
Received:                     from [] (port=56330 helo=Myaccout) by with esmtpsa  (TLS1.2) tls TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (Exim 4.94.2) (envelope-from <>) id 1nFEym-0005TO-Qs for; Wed, 02 Feb 2022 12:43:20 +0000
To:                           <>

X-ImunifyEmail-Filter-Action: reject
X-ImunifyEmail-Filter-Score:  6.1
X-Mimeole:                    Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.2527
X-Msmail-Priority:            Normal
X-Priority:                   3
X-Failed-Recipients:          []

Body: 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

Release or Remove a message from the quarantine

Messages can be released from the quarantine and sent to recipients if they are false positives. They can also be deleted if needed to free up space.


The quarantine will automatically delete the oldest messages when the user's quarantine limit is reached. The limit can be adjusted in settings.


Non-root users are currently limited to releasing only 5 messages from quarantine per hour. This limit can be adjusted using the ie-cli command-line interface (CLI) tool.



ie-cli emails release --ids EMAIL_ID_1,EMAIL_ID_2 -a root


ie-cli emails release --ids fb7c3537-8e5e-43d8-bc66-bd954c22d587 -a root





ie-cli emails remove --ids fb7c3537-8e5e-43d8-bc66-bd954c22d587 -a root



Accounts settings

ImunifyEmail stores emails marked as spam in a quarantine space. The space is divided into virtual subspaces for every system account. Subspace is created when the first spam message is quarantined. It is filled with spam messages for a particular account until the size limitation is reached. When the size limitation is reached most old messages will be automatically deleted.


Default limit for a quarantine subspace is 100 MB.


In some cases ImunifyEmail can’t attribute an email to a system account. In such cases the email will be stored under root user quarantine space.

There are command line commands for managing quarantine space.

List all accounts in the quarantine


ie-cli accounts list [--json]


Name      	     LimitBytes	     UsedBytes	     State
mysite           125829120  	 810692     	 active
dentistcenter    104857600  	 0          	 active

Max Count 2

Output (JSON)


Edit account size limit

Sometimes it is necessary to give more (or less) space in the quarantine for some user accounts. It is possible to do using the following command.


ie-cli accounts edit -a ACCOUNT_NAME [--state=active|block] [--limit=1024]


ie-cli accounts edit -a mydomain --state=active --limit=8096

Output (JSON)

Name       LimitBytes	 UsedBytes	 State
mws        8096          810692      active



Edit account releases-limit

Users' hourly releases-limit values can be adjusted according to your needs. This allows for a more dynamic and responsive management of user activity, ensuring optimal operational efficiency.

To view the current account settings, use the following command:


ie-cli accounts list --name=imunifyemail


Name             LimitBytes      UsedBytes       State   ReleasesLimit (hourly)
imunifyemail     104857600       8324            active          5

To modify the release limit, use the ie-cli accounts edit command followed by the --name parameter (to specify the account) and the --releases-limit parameter (to set the new limit). For example:


ie-cli accounts edit --name=imunifyemail --releases-limit=50


Name             LimitBytes      UsedBytes       State   ReleasesLimit (hourly)
imunifyemail     104857600       8324            active          50

Clean all quarantine for an account

If needed all quarantine for an account can be cleaned with one command.


ie-cli accounts remove -a <ACCOUNT_NAME>


ie-cli accounts remove -a root




Imunify Email supports whitelisting configuration. It is possible to whitelist domains and/or email addresses of a sender.


When sender is whitelisted Imunify Email bypasses it’s emails without filtering. It may affect hosting reputation if a whitelisted sender will send spam.

Available commands

In general, all whitelisting operations could be described by the next pattern:

ie-cli whitelist WHO OPERATION [value1 value2 ... valueN]

Where WHO is one of:

  • authuser (only email address)
  • sender (email address or domain name)

OPERATION is one of:

  • add
  • list
  • remove

value1 valu2 ... valueN - email addresses and domains (actual for the add and remove commands)


ie-cli whitelist --help
List/Add/Delete authenticated users, senders and recipients to/from whitelist.
Where :
    - authenticated user could be only an email address
    - sender and recipient could be one of domain or email address

  ie-cli whitelist [command]

Available Commands:
  authuser    operation with the whitelist of the authenticated users (email addresses)
  sender      operation with the whitelist of senders (email addresses and domains)

  -h, --help   help for whitelist

Use "ie-cli whitelist [command] --help" for more information about a command.

See all whitelist senders


ie-cli whitelist authuser list  [--json]



No available data

Output (JSON)

 	"success": true,
 	"emails": [
 	"domains": []

Whitelist a sender

To whitelist a domain or/and an email address use the following command.


ie-cli whitelist sender add


Adding sender(s) to the whitelist:
1. domain
2. email

Remove sender from the whitelist

If needed, the sender can be removed from the whitelist. See the following commands.


ie-cli whitelist sender remove


Removing sender(s) from the whitelist:
1. domain

Quarantine default settings (releases limit and storage capacity)

Two commands are available: set and edit Please run with --help flag to get more info


ie-cli quarantine-defaults --help

list Command

Note: The --json flag is available to output in JSON format.


ie-cli quarantine-defaults list


Setting          IntValue
limit_bytes      104857600
releases_limit   5

set Command


ie-cli quarantine-defaults set --help

Set default settings for accounts. Use -1 to set common default value.

ie-cli quarantine-defaults set [flags]

-h, --help help for set
--json output in json format
-r, --releases-limit Limit for releases per hour for non-root user
-s, --storage-capacity Limit in MB for the storage in the Quarantine for the account


ie-cli quarantine-defaults set --releases-limit 50 --storage-capacity 120

That command sets the releases limit to 50 per hour and storage capacity to 120 MB.


Setting          IntValue
limit_bytes      125829120
releases_limit   50

Activity Monitor

To get understanding of Activity Monitor see the next section. ie-cli provides and API to get the same information as UI does from the Activity Monitor. ie-cli allows to

  1. get the Activity Monitor statistics
  2. set/remove/update sender limits for the particular account/domain/email/script
  3. get/update server limits that applied by default


ie-cli am --help

This subcommand interacts with the Activity Monitor to return statistics, get/set settings for
the sender objects.
Activity Monitor operates by the sender objects. Sender object is an object on behalf of which
client sends email. It could be one of: "account", "domain", "script" or "sender_email"

  ie-cli am [command]

Available Commands:
  limit           The limit value of sender object can be applied on particular domain, sender email and account
  server-settings Operates by the server sender limit settings and allows to set default limit that is applied for all sender objects
  stats           stats (statistics) returns the aggregated view of senders objects with various filters

  -h, --help   help for am

Use "ie-cli am [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Usage of limit subcommand

The ie-cli am limit command is a versatile tool that enables you to assign a limit value to any sender object. This object could be an account, domain, sender email, or script. The command can be further customized with the use of specific flags and subcommands.

The set subcommand is available for use with this command. Its primary function is to establish a limit for the designated sender object(s).

In the context of the "ie-cli am limit set" command, the flags that can be used include "--id string", "--limit int", and "--so-type string".


In order to set a limit, it's essential to know the sender object's id. This id can be obtained from the ie-cli am stats subcommand. For guidance on how to obtain the sender object id, please refer to the ie-cli am stats documentation provided below.


ie-cli am limit set --help


set limit for the sender object(s)

  ie-cli am limit set [flags]

  -h, --help             help for set
      --id string        The id of sender object
      --limit int        The limit value, 0 means unlimited (default -1)
      --so-type string   supported values: [account domain sender_email script]

The utilization of the limit subcommand varies according to the sender-object types (--so-type);

Command usage with --so-type="account" for set limit

ie-cli am limit set --id="11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111" --limit=3 --so-type="account"

Command usage with --so-type="domain" for set limit

ie-cli am limit set --id="22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222" --limit=5 --so-type="domain"

Command usage with --so-type="sender_email" for set limit

ie-cli am limit set --id="33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333" --limit=7 --so-type="sender_email"




Modifications can be tracked by navigating through the User Interface (UI) via Imunify360 -> Email -> Activity Monitor.

Usage of server-settings subcommand

The ie-cli am server-settings command is designed to manage server sender limit settings, allowing you to establish a default limit that is applied to any sender object by default. This command can be further customized with the use of specific flags and subcommands.

The ie-cli am server-settings set command is designed to modify the server sender limit settings. This command can be paired with specific flags to establish the limit mode and eliminate limits for certain sender objects.

The --limit-mode int flag is utilized to define the limit mode. The limit mode can be either 1 or 2, where 1 signifies limit mode by sender and 2 denotes limit mode by the number of recipients.

To eliminate the limit for any sender object, a value of 0 can be used. For instance, to remove the limit for an account, the --account=0 command can be employed. A value of 0 indicates that the sender object will have no restrictions, effectively rendering it unlimited.

Additional flags encompass --account int, --domain int, --script int, and --sender-email int. These are utilized to establish the threshold for any account, domain, script, or sender email, correspondingly. The default value for these flags is set to -1.

The existing server-settings can be accessed by utilizing the ie-cli am server-settings command.


ie-cli am server-settings


    "account": 0,
    "domain": 1,
    "limit_mode": 1,
    "script": 0,
    "sender_email": 0

To establish the limit mode to 2 (limit by the number of recipients) and designate any limit for a domain, the subsequent command could be utilized: ie-cli am server-settings set --limit-mode=2 --domain=100.


ie-cli am server-settings set --limit-mode=2 --domain=100


New server settings is:
    "account": 0,
    "domain": 100,
    "limit_mode": 2,
    "script": 0,
    "sender_email": 0

For instance, to configure the limit mode to 1 (limit by sender) and eliminate the limit for any account, the following command could be employed: ie-cli am server-settings set --limit-mode=1 --account=0.


ie-cli am server-settings set --limit-mode=1 --account=0


New server settings is:
    "account": 0,
    "domain": 100,
    "limit_mode": 1,
    "script": 0,
    "sender_email": 0

Usage of stats subcommand

The ie-cli am stats command provides a consolidated view of sender objects, complete with a variety of filters. This command can be paired with specific flags to refine the results.

The flags include --account-name string, --domain string, --limit int, --offset int, --script-name string, --sender-email string, and --since string. These are employed to filter by account name, domain, limit the quantity of results, set the offset for results, filter by script name, filter by sender email, and set the duration in seconds that has elapsed from the flag value until the present moment, respectively.

The --limit int flag also indicates that the limit applied pertains solely to the number of accounts in the response, with a default of 25.

The --since string flag defaults to a value of 1 hour - 1h.


The functionality mirrors that of the ActivityMonitor user interface.


ie-cli am stats --help
stats (statistics) returns the aggregated view of senders objects with various filters

  ie-cli am stats [flags]

      --account-name string   Account name to filter
      --domain string         Domain to filter
  -h, --help                  help for stats
      --limit int             How many results to return (pagination). The limit applied only for number of accounts in response (default 25)
      --offset int            From which offset results to return (pagination)
      --script-name string    Script name to filter
      --sender-email string   Sender email to filter
      --since string          show entries starting from [now - since] time
                              format: [DIGIT(s)][MODIFIER]
                              	supported modifiers 's' - seconds, 'm' - minutes, 'h' - hours, 'd' - days, e.g. 1h, 2d
                              	examples: 100s, 5m, 1h, 5d (default "1h")

By using the stats command directly, all sender objects are returned as follows. The --since flag can be used to retrieve sender objects within a certain period of time.


ie-cli am stats --since 10h


  "accounts": [
        "domains": [
                "account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
                "exclusion": false,
                "id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
                "limit": 0,
                "messages": 1,
                "name": "",
                "quarantined": 1,
                "rateLimited": false,
                "sender_emails": [
                        "account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
                        "domain_id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
                        "exclusion": false,
                        "id": "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333",
                        "limit": 0,
                        "messages": 1,
                        "name": "",
                        "quarantined": 1,
                        "rateLimited": false,
                        "whitelisted": false
                "whitelisted": false
        "exclusion": false,
        "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
        "limit": 0,
        "messages": 1,
        "name": "domain",
        "quarantined": 1,
        "rateLimited": false,
        "scripts": null,
        "whitelisted": false

Command usage with --sender-email for get sender-object id

ie-cli am stats

Command usage with --account-name for get sender-object id

ie-cli am stats --account-name=domain --since 30d


  "accounts": [
        "domains": [
                "account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
                "exclusion": false,
                "id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
                "limit": 0,
                "messages": 1,
                "name": "",
                "quarantined": 1,
                "rateLimited": false,
                "sender_emails": [
                        "account_id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
                        "domain_id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
                        "exclusion": false,
                        "id": "33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333",
                        "limit": 0,
                        "messages": 1,
                        "name": "",
                        "quarantined": 1,
                        "rateLimited": false,
                        "whitelisted": false
                "whitelisted": false
        "exclusion": false,
        "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111",
        "limit": 0,
        "messages": 1,
        "name": "domain",
        "quarantined": 1,
        "rateLimited": false,
        "scripts": null,
        "whitelisted": false


To remove Imunify Email from your system, you need to disable the corresponding option in your CLN account. That will disable Imunify Email on the server, but rpm packages still will be presented. To remove them as well, execute the following command as root:


yum autoremove imunifyemail

This command ensures the removal of all associated components related to Imunify Email from your system.